Working Together


When we work together, we start with what you want your outcome to be and how you want to show up for yourself and those around you. In short, what living from a place of Self-leadership looks like for you.

We identify and explore together the specific capacities and mindset that you wish to develop and any thought processes, core beliefs, or self-defeating patterns that have been holding you back or may even be making you ill. In the Internal Family Systems (IFS) model these patterns formed in the past are called Protectors, in Positive Intelligence they are Saboteurs, others call them Gremlins – no matter what we call them, we all have them and we tend to have a strong urge to fight them or “get rid” of them.

But trying to fight or “tackle” these self-defeating patterns does not work. On the contrary, it tends to make them become even stronger. Criticising and fighting parts of our own psyche is the opposite of self-compassion and comes from our inner critic. That critical part of us aims to help us, but instead it only intensifies inner conflict and can result in feelings of shame and hopelessness and sensations of overwhelm and internal chaos.

According to the Internal Family Systems model all these self-defeating patterns behave very much like separate subpersonalities that have conversations and conflicts with each other and with our core “observer” Self, and make us behave in certain ways. The Inner Critic voice is often the strongest and uses language that we’d never use with others. It criticizes us in unhelpful, exaggerated ways, telling us we’re useless, look terrible, are not smart enough to get a promotion, will never lose weight, should be a better parent or partner, etc, etc.

Other examples are what the Positive Intelligence model categorises as the Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Rational, Pleaser, Controller, Restless, Avoider and Stickler (Perfectionist). We all have these voices in some form or other and they often fight each other or work as a team. The Inner Critic generally does not like the Pleaser pattern. The Pleaser may team up with the Perfectionist pattern. The Perfectionist criticises our Restless part, and on and on.

The various sub-personalities can cause imposter syndrome, chronic stress, and feelings of hopelessness and constant self-doubt. These engrained feelings often result in physical symptoms such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, migraines and chronic back pain, or worse. And to stop the painful feelings and emotions we naturally turn to things that make us feel better short-term but are unhelpful in the long term, such as alcohol, junk food, TV binge watching, social media, drugs, shopping, painkillers, etc.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) therapy is an evidence-based model that was created by Richard Schwartz PhD in the 1980s and further developed and refined over the last 40 years to treat trauma, including PTSD. The IFS model is also incredibly effective for people without major trauma – it is a robust and very subtle model of internal coaching that we can do alone, or with the support of an IFS practitioner. It results in the softening and transforming of our self-defeating patterns. IFS facilitation allows us to first understand, appreciate, and form a warm relationship with our own inner system of sub-personalities (inner family) and then heal – from a place of authentic, compassionate Self – any underlying exiled or outcast parts of ourselves. This in turn allows the adaptive patterns or sub-personalities to transform to their original helpful and supportive roles as our capacities and strengths. As a certified (Level 3 trained) IFS Practitioner, certified functional medicine coach and certified Positive Intelligence (mental fitness) coach, I apply the IFS model to our sessions to the extent that you choose, every step of the way.

The path to transformation and unfolding takes commitment and when I have the honor of walking this path with clients big shifts can take place in a relatively short time. Clients find that they are finally free to be the person they truly want to be and were meant to be – thriving instead of surviving – and leading their life from a place of calm, connected and confident Self-leadership.

Tell Me Your Story

Schedule a No-Obligations Discovery Call


The Positive Intelligence (PQ) program teaches activation of the “self-command” part of our brain and how to access our “Sage Powers,” the inherent capacities of our true, wise Self. It has been shown to significantly increase Emotional Intelligence and soften self-defeating protective patterns.

If you’d like the support of a structured, app-supported program, we can tailor the Positive Intelligence (PQ) program to your needs.

The following two options are examples only.

OPTION 1. 90-Day Transformational PQ Program (incorporates IFS Sessions)


  • The Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Bootcamp (six weeks)
  • Six weeks of the Positive Intelligence follow-on GROW Program
  • Eight 75-minute IFS coaching sessions during the program
  • Text and voice support in between coaching sessions
  • Secure and private client space in Practice Better
  • Additional curated resources, guides, and handouts

OPTION 2. 10-week PQ Emotional Intelligence Program


  • The Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Bootcamp (six weeks)
  • Four weeks of the Positive Intelligence continuation GROW Program
  • Seven weekly PQ training sessions of up to 1 hour each (via Zoom)
  • Additional weekly guides and resources to deepen learning
  • Q&A via text or voice message

Contact Sophia for an exploratory chat and to see what type of program could suit your needs.


One-to-One Sessions

Note: As a certified IFS Practitioner and certified coach I do not diagnose or “treat” mental health conditions and am not the expert in our relationship. Instead I facilitate my client’s internal exploration and journey “home” to their true Self.


  • 75-minute Zoom sessions in Dutch or English
  • Each session is tailored to your needs
  • A minimum of two sessions per month for four months (unless otherwise agreed)
  • Cancellation of coaching agreement possible at any time
  • You book your appointments directly in my calendar and can move them as needed (cancellation policy applies)
  • Secure and private client space in Practice Better
  • Resources, guides, and tools where relevant
  • Clients tend to book three or four weekly sessions before switching to twice a month.


For private clients the regular fee is 180€ per 75-minute session. There are a number of spots for a reduced fee of 130€. I leave it to the client to decide which fee they can afford. Executive clients – please enquire.

Waiting list : Currently (May ’24), the waiting list for the reduced fee is closed.  The regular fee is now also fully booked but has a shorter waiting list. IFS coaching is very effective, so spaces should open up soon (currently the earliest openings for those not yet on the waiting list will likely be June ’24). 

Contact Sophia for more information.